Fur Friends is 100% non-profit! Donations and corporate sponsors fund 60% of our operation, and the rest is raised from our two annual events- the spring Dog Walk and fall Harvest Festival. Last year we had enough bequests to build a catio for our feline friends!

A German Shepard high-fives a human hand.


When you can’t adopt, fostering can be the next best thing! Some animals are overwhelmed in the shelter environment, and just like when humans are overwhelmed, they are not themselves. When stressed out animals spend time in a foster home, we often see their whole personality change for the better. Fosters give our animals the chance to relax and show their true colors so they're ready when the right adopter comes along.
Fosters play a huge role in the adoption of harder to place animals, they give potential adopters the chance to understand how the pet would behave in their home so there are very few surprises and endless happy tails.


Become a Fur Friends regular! Our regulars change lives. Regulars walk, play with, and help take care of our animals… regularly. Our animals will come to know and love you and you’ll share in the deep satisfaction of uniting animals with their forever people. Volunteers also help run our spring Dog Walk and Fall Harvest Festival- there are countless ways to get involved that work with your schedule. Contact our volunteer coordinator for more info.